O‘ahu Housing Now (OHN)

Utilizing the CARES Act funding, the O‘ahu Housing Now (OHN) program has set a target to rehouse a minimum of 300 households currently experiencing homelessness. OHN will accomplish this through a Rapid Rehousing (RRH) approach, which provides short-term rental assistance and supportive services to assist people in obtaining housing quickly, increasing self-sufficiency, and maintain housing.

OHN is a collaborative partnership supported by:

Program Goals:

  • Address the public health crisis of COVID-19 in the community by achieving social distancing through permanent housing

  • Improve the rental history of those housed, to increase housing opportunities after households exit the program.

How it works:

  1. Households are assessed and referred through the Coordinated Entry System (CES)

  2. Prioritization for this project will align with CES’s RRH medium-term matching criteria of individuals with a VI-SPDAT score of 4-10, and families with a VI-SPDAT score of 4-8. The households being served will be experiencing literal homelessness

  3. Households will work alongside a case manager to achieve stable and safe housing

Mahalo to our hard-working volunteers!

O‘ahu Housing Now Administrators

OHN Project Manager: Berta Maldonado

OHN project coordinator: Jillian Canova