Partners In Care (PIC) alongside our national partners, National Alliance to End Homelessness & National Homelessness Law Center, is proud to host a virtual information session regarding the upcoming Supreme Court case Grants Pass V. Johnson on May 21st 10:30 AM- 11:30 AM. This is a FREE event and all of our community are welcome to attend. Please see the flyer below for more information.

Located on O‘ahu, PIC is a planning, coordinating, and advocacy alliance that develops recommendations for programs and services to fill needs within Oahu’s Continuum of Care (CoC) for homeless persons. PIC assists in developing new programs, while working to preserve or expand effective existing programs. As a member of Hawai‘i Statewide Continuum’s of Care, PIC works collaboratively with the rural counties CoC, Bridging the Gap.

Grants Pass V. Johnson Meeting Login Information:

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 812 1165 7546

Passcode: 947260

* We are currently renovating our website please be patient as we implement some exciting updates!

If you have trouble accessing any information please reach out to