501c3 Board of Directors
2024 Board Members
Bob Merce is a retired lawyer. He is a founding member of the non-profit Criminal Reform Working Group, and he previously served on the board of directors of the Native Hawaiian Legal Corp. Bob’s primary interest is in decriminalizing poverty and reforming our criminal legal system to address the needs of people experiencing homelessness and suffering from mental illness and substance use disorders.
Ashley is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Certified Substance Abuse Counselor by training and is the Director of Care Coordination & Utilization Management at The Queen’s Medical Center. She played a vital role in the development of Queen’s Care Coalition, a nationally recognized program that addresses complex medical and social needs of vulnerable people. She specializes in addressing social determinants of health and is passionate about assuring all people receive the right care, in the right place, at the right time.
Randy Au is currently the Senior Vice President & Primary Relationship Officer at Bank of Hawaii. With 22 years of experience in the financial industry, Randy applies his skills and education to his passion for helping to combat homelessness. Prior to joining PIC, he served on the Board for Family Promise of Hawaii as President.
Susan Au Doyle is a community volunteer and former executive in the nonprofit and government sectors. She has focused her career on working with others to improve the quality of life in Hawaii, particularly for individuals and families disadvantaged by our current society. In 2005, she helped to bring cross-sector attention to the issue of homelessness in Aloha United Way’s first comprehensive Quality of Life in Hawai‘i report published in Hawaii Business Magazine. The hope was that the disturbing statistics about homeless children would be easy to understand and would spur action. Twenty years later, PIC’s Point In Time Count suggests progress—but there is much left to be done.
Michael Cain currently serves as a Planner VI at the State of Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, in the Office of Conservation and Coastal Lands. As many homeless communities and camps exist on State Land, State Parks, the Forest Reserve, and State unencumbered lands, he has taken notice of the increase in the homeless population and works to broaden the amount of effective government programs to help serve our community members. Prior to working at DLNR, throughout 1980s and 90s, Michael served as a crisis worker in Michigan, California, and Hawaii, as well as working overseas in Micronesia with the Peace Corps. Although he switched to environmental work in 2000, he still holds a strong interest in bettering our community and hopes to assist in outreach efforts and expanding the number of resources for our homeless community.
Cliff Tillotson is the Vice President of Prometheus Construction. Cliff brings a fresh perspective and enthusiasm to our board, approaching the issue of homelessness with a “Shelter First and Community First” approach.
*bio coming soon