O’ahu Continuum of Care
2025 Partners & MEMBERSHIP
Join our community to make an impact
Access to Resources: Gain exclusive access to data, training, funding opportunities, and tools to enhance your impact.
Driving Change: Influence policy and decision-making to create systemic change and improve housing stability.
Shared Mission: Be part of a collective voice championing housing and support for vulnerable populations.
Collaborative Partnerships: Join a network of community organizations, service providers, and advocates dedicated to ending homelessness.
How to Become a Member / Member Responsibilities:
Complete the O'ahu CoC Membership Application, to include review of the Governance Charter, the Voting Member Participation Agreement & the Voting Member Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form.
Pay annual dues OR request and receive a fee waiver.
Become a member of one of the committees of the O'ahu CoC.
Attend and participate in majority (50% + 1) of your chosen committee's meetings each year to align with the HUD NOFO requirements (attendance tracked at each meeting).
Attend and participate in majority (50% + 1) of the O'ahu CoC's General Membership meetings each year to align with the HUD NOFO requirements (attendance tracked at each meeting).
Vote at the O'ahu CoC General Membership meetings as well as any other O'ahu CoC meetings that may occur throughout the year.
Participate in the Coordinated Entry System (CES) and Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) where appropriate, while following CES' participant expectations agreement and/or HMIS' participant agreement. **if applicable and after proper approval process has been completed
Who Can Become a Member?
An individual, agency, or representative of a Government Office who is concerned with and/or providing services to the various homeless sub‐populations furthering the direction of the O’ahu CoC. An agency and/or department with more than one individual representing that organization will be recognized as one member.
$185.00 - organization
$60.00 - individual
We have removed the Community Membership option to simplify the membership process, as it offered no additional access beyond what is available to the general public. We welcome all community members to stay active with the O’ahu CoC! Notices of all O’ahu CoC events and meetings are shared through our newsletter and email communications. If you’d like to join our email list, please email us at planning@partnersincareoahu.org.
CIS Letter of Good Standing: You must be in good standing with the O'ahu CoC as a voting member, to receive the 'letter of good standing' required by MedQuest for CIS. At the beginning of the year and/or as a new member, before you are able to prove yourself in good standing, PIC will be able to provide a conditional letter of good standing for you for CIS. PIC will also provide a new letter of good standing quarterly (every 3 months) to you and MedQuest, as long as good standing criteria is met.
membership packet & APPLICATION
PLEASE NOTE: You must be in good standing with the O'ahu CoC as a voting member, to receive the 'letter of good standing' required by MedQuest for CIS. At the beginning of the year and/or as a new member, before you are able to prove yourself in good standing, PIC will be able to provide a conditional letter of good standing for you for CIS. PIC will also provide a new letter of good standing quarterly (every 3 months) to you and MedQuest, as long as good standing criteria is met.
Alternative Structures International
CMOM (Chaplain Ministries of Maui)
Department of Education-Education for Homeless Children and Youth Program
Domestic Violence Action Center
Hawai'i Health & Harm Reduction Center
Hawaii State Coalition Against Domestic Violence
Honolulu Community Action Program, Inc. (HCAP) Kumuhonua Transitional Living Center
IHS, The Institute for Human Services, Inc.
International River Of Life Christian Center
Kinohi Mana Nui Support Services
kline-welsh behavioral heath foundation
Mike Goodman Attorney at Law, LLC
Residential Youth Services & Empowerment
Steadfast Housing Development Corporation
The Makana Project
The Mediation Center of the Pacific
The Salvation Army Hawaiian and Pacific Islands Division
Waianae Coast Comprehensive Health Center
Waikiki Business Improvement District