1st Thursday of each month
The Advisory Board develops agendas for General Meetings, develops action steps to meet the O‘ahu CoC identified priorities, requests information from the City and State on behalf of the O‘ahu CoC, and represents the O‘ahu CoC at key city, state, or related governmental or political meetings. The Executive Chair (or their designee) schedules and leads Advisory Board meetings and assigns tasks to committee members. The Advisory Board, with consideration of any recommendations from the Planning Committee, decides each year whether to allow new applications for CoC funding in the CoC application to HUD (vs. limiting the application to renewals only).
CHAIR | Tanya Brown | U.S. Vets - Wai’anae
VICE CHAIR | Jillian Okamoto | Catholic Charities of Hawai’i
SECRETARY | Robert Boyack | Child & Family Services
TREASURER | Ryan Catalani | Family Promise of Hawai’i
LIVED EXPERIENCE REPRESENTATIVE | Lindsay Pacheco | Ka Po’e o Kaka’ako (KPoK)
STATE REPRESENTATIVE 2025 | Jun D. Yang | Governor’s Coordinator On Homelessness
CITY & COUNTY OF HONOLULU REP. | Roy Miyahara | Mayor’s Coordinator On Homelessness
4th Thursday of each month
Advocating on behalf of Hawai‘i’s homeless is one of PIC’s most important priorities and one of the strongest methods to influence public policy and effect social change. Advocacy offers individuals the opportunity to participate in the democratic process in support of a particular cause or policy.
*click image to open pdf version
1st Tuesday of each month
As of 2022, the Awareness & Communications Committee has combined into one committee. The Awareness Committee works to increase awareness of PIC, to engage the involvement of more partners, coordinates the annual Statewide Homeless Awareness Week events and other awareness and educational activities within the community and political arenas. The committee also develops membership packets to solicit and orient new members, and documents agency participation in PIC activities as required for HUD’s annual funding application.
CHAIR | Christopher Molina | Lili’uokalani Trust
3rd Thursday of each month
Coordinated Entry System Oversight is a monthly meeting to discuss improvements and refinements to the current Coordinated Entry System; its policies and procedures, special cases, system changes, etc. Partners within the community are highly encouraged to attend this meeting as all voices are welcome at the table to share expertise and highlight gaps within the CES.
A coordinated response to ending homelessness requires that assistance be allocated as effectively as possible and that it be easily accessible no matter where or how people present. A coordinated entry systems process helps communities prioritize assistance based on vulnerability and severity of service needs to ensure that people who need assistance the most can receive it in a timely manner. CES also provides information about service needs and gaps to help communities plan their assistance and identify needed resources.
CHAIR | Tiffany Mukai | Queen’s Medical Center
2nd Tuesday of each month
The Data Committee coordinates the Point-In-Time count of sheltered and unsheltered persons on O‘ahu. It also provides oversight and recommendations to PIC regarding the Homeless Management Information System which is used by government and non-profit agencies to document services provided to homeless people on O‘ahu.
The Data Committee Chair (or their designee) schedules and leads committee meetings, assigns tasks to committee members, represents PIC at Point-In-Time or HMIS policy meetings, and documents agency participation in PIC activities as required for HUD’s annual funding application. The Data Committee also supplies PIC and key partners with data and analysis as needed.
CHAIR | Greg Payton | Mental Health Kokua
3rd Tuesday of each month
The Partners In Care General Membership Committee serves to update the membership about any changes or new information from the Advocacy, Awareness, Board of Directors, Communications, CES Oversight, Planning, and Organizational Development Subcommittees.
General Membership Point of Contact | Laura Thielen | Partners In Care
CHAIR | Tanya Brown | U.S. Vets - Wai’anae
2nd Thursday of each month
The Member Relations Committee develops initiatives to solicit and orient new members. Each year the Member Relations Committee in collaboration with the Awareness & Communications Committee solicits names of potential new committee members from existing members and develops specific strategies to engage those stakeholders that are typically underrepresented in PIC. As part of the annual Homeless Awareness Conference, the committees expand the invitation list to include a broader range of community groups and make a public invitation for new members to join within the geography of the CoC. The Member Relations Committee Chair schedules and leads committee meetings, assigns tasks to committee members, monitors member attendance, and follows up with committee members who have been absent from committee meetings.
CHAIR | Pending
4th Tuesday of each month
The Planning Committee coordinates with the city on the annual McKinney-Vento/HEARTH Act homeless funding application and regularly updates Hawai‘i’s Plan to End Homelessness. It develops recommendations for funding priorities and strategies, and other cross-agency funding opportunities. It may also recommend to the Executive Committee the criteria by which new and ongoing HUD CoC funded projects are evaluated and scored locally, as well as whether new projects will be included in each year’s application (vs. limiting the application to renewals only).
The Planning Chair (or their designee) schedules and leads committee meetings, assigns tasks to committee members, represents PIC to state and city homeless planning divisions and policy academies in relation to homelessness issues, and documents agency participation in PIC activities as required for HUD’s annual funding application(see Section IX). The Planning Chair also represents PIC at task force meetings to participate in the development of policies regarding long-range planning, funding and evaluation of initiatives to prevent and reduce homelessness.
CHAIR | Jon Berliner | Gregory House Programs
Last Wednesday of each month
The O‘ahu Youth Action Board was formed in March 2017 and is made up of members all of whom are age 29 or below and 100% of which have experienced homelessness/housing instability. The youth come from different situations, experiences, and represent various sub-populations such as: Native Hawaiian, Micronesian, LGBTQ+, Former Military, Parenting, Working and Children of Homeless Families.
CO-CHAIR | Jean Grey and CO-CHAIR | Efren Berrones | PIC
VICE CHAIR | Kahekili “Kai” Alip
TREASURER | Dawson Pahia-Kuloloia | RYSE
SOCIAL COORDINATOR | Laleiyna “Lala” Caton
RECORDING SECRETARY | Partners In Care Staff